A Mandatum Sports é uma empresa que nasceu grande pelos sonhos, vocação e pelo time de conselheiros.
Com propósito social e visão de integração entre os países, a Mandatum Sports prove alem de gestão de vida e carreira de jogadores, servicos de auxilio a clubes, agentes, jogadores auxiliando-os na resolução de temas relevantes, a fim que possam permanecer e ate perpetuar no que mais faz sentido para suas vidas, o Futebol.
Mandatum Sports is a company born as a giant corporation because of its dreams,talent and also because of the resume of its board members.
Mandatum Sports has a ginuine social aim and the vision of integration between countries.
Beside life and career management of players, Mandatum Sports also provides soccer club placement,helping players obtain a better performance in what makes more sense in their professional life: soccer


Empresário e empreendedor, Rodrigo Guerra possui 28 anos de carreira executiva com formação, pós-graduação e especialização nas melhores escolas de negócios do mundo, tais como a Fundação Dom Cabral e Kellogg School of Management University. Com sucesso na administração de empresas, ele realiza importantes conexões no mundo do futebol. Por meio de um olhar clinico e inovador, desenvolve trabalhos
visando oportunidades pontuais e estratégicas de posicionamento para seus clientes, em diferentes áreas dentro do futebol.
Rodrigo Guerra is a businessman with 28 years of executive career, post - graduation and specialization in the best business schools in the world, such as the Dom Cabral Foundation and Kellogg School of Management University. With his success managing companies, he makes important connections in the world of football through his clinical and innovative
approach, he develops projects aimed at punctual and strategic positioning opportunities for his clients, in different areas within soccer.

20 anos de atuação no futebol profissional, técnico e desenvolvimento de atletas. licença internacional técnico (abtf/ussf). agente / coordenador da Markeys Sports. Chefe de operações da Brazusa Inc.
20 years in Professional Soccer, Coaching and players Development.
International A License (ABTF/USSF National Coach). Markeys Sports
Management/Agent. Operation Chief of Brazusa.

USA Pro and CBF Pro Instructor licenced, Marcelo Serrano have worked as a USA soccer coach,MVV Mastrich, Austin Bold, USVI Team also several brazilian soccer teams.

UEFA PRO Licensed coach,
FIFA and CONCACAF Instructor. Gilberto have experiensed as a USVI, UK School project also several UK teams as Head Coach

Lawyer. LL.M in International Sports Law (Instituto Superior de Derecho y Economia – ISDE/Madrid) and Post-Graduation in Corporate Law. 20 years of experience in sports-related matters. Founding Member of the Sports Law Institute of Minas Gerais State (IMDD).

Executive and Consultant in Governance and Management in football, focused on in professionalization, structuring and financial operations projects.
He was executive and CEO at Sport Clube Internacional, Palmeiras, Santos FC, São Paulo, Juventude, Botafogo and River Plate.

An executive Woman with strong football connections in China, CEO of Foreseekers digital technology hub connecting Latin American executives China Hub Leader of Bitcoin.com.mx, Mexico’s leading cryptocurrency news site and one of the largest in Latin America. She is on the Marketing Board of BraCham and is a Board of SheUp Community.

In Hsieh is an executive specializing in digital business and innovation between Brazil and China. He acted in the entry and development of business in Brazil of global technology giants Xiaomi and Alibaba. At Xiaomi he was Head of E-commerce Latam. Entrepreneur and professional of e-commerce, with participation in the Submarino startup team. Founder of Baby. com.br, voted best startup of the year by PEGN magazine in 2011, among other projects.

(Futsal Coordinator)
Graduado em Educação Física (UFMG), Mestre em Educação (UFMG) e Doutor em Estudos do Lazer (UFMG). Professor da UFMG (desde 2014). Consultor em clubes chineses de futsal e futebol de campo (2016-2019). Treinador da Seleção Chinesa de Futsal em quatro Copas da Ásia e uma Copa do Mundo de Futsal (2004; 2007-2012). Primeiro treinador estrangeiro na Liga Chinesa de Futsal (2003-2004). Treinador de categorias de base de escolas e clubes no Brasil (1985-2006). Coordenador do Intercâmbio de Jovens Atletas de Futsal com a Federação Australiana de Futsal (1994-2000). Treinador de futebol de campo sub 18 no Japão (1995-1996).
Graduated in Physical Education (UFMG), Master in Education (UFMG) and PhD in Leisure Studies (UFMG). UFMG Professor (since 2014). Consultant at Chinese futsal and field soccer clubs (2016-2019). Coach of the Chinese Futsal Team in four Asian Cups and one Futsal World Cup (2004; 2007-2012). First foreign coach in the Chinese Futsal League (2003-2004). Trainer of basic categories of schools and clubs in Brazil (1985-2006). Coordinator of the Futsal Youth Athletes Exchange with the Australian Futsal Federation (1994-2000). Under-18 soccer coach in Japan (1995-1996).

Advogado, com trabalho na Procuradoria da Fazenda Nacional, no
Ministério Público Federal, (Procuradoria da República). Formado em Direito na Universidade Católica/MG, com Pós em Direito Processual e Internacional da Economia na FGV e na Universidade de Ohio University–Columbus e Insead na Franca pela FDC.
Lawyer, with experience in the Attorney of the National Treasury, in the Federal Public Ministry, (Attorney of the Republic). Graduated in Law from Universidade Católica / MG, Postgraduate in Procedural Law and International Economics - FGV, attending specializations at Ohio University-Columbus University, Insead-France and at Dom Cabral Functions, of the best executive schools of the World.

Degree in Law. Global CEO of BRICS-PED CHAMBER for promotion and Economic Development. - MBA at Universidad de Léon in Spain.
Former Pro Basketball Player in Brasilia DF. at S.E.Gama and Universo/BRB.
(International Business Developer)

Mais de 30 anos no futebol profissional.
Graduado em Educação Física
Treinador do América futebol Clube - BH - MG Sub 17
Experiência internacional na Bélgica
Confederação Brasileira de Futebol – CBF
Licença A
More than 30 years in professional football.
Graduated in Physical Education.
Coach of America football Club - BH - MG U-17.
International experience in Belgium
Brazilian Football Confederation Coach
CBF A License
(Professional Coach)

Mais de 30 anos no futebol profissional.
Treinador da ponte preta FC Academy.
Experiência internacional na Ásia Footbal.
ABTF liscence coach profissional.
Relações internatiomal com o futebol dos EUA E Taiwan equipe nacional sub 15, 17, 19
30 Years in Professional Football.
Ponte Preta FC Academy Coach.
International experience in Asia Footbal.
ABTF Liscence Professional Coach.
Internatiomal relations with USA Soccer
And Taiwan national team sub 15,17,19
(Youth Coach Director)

Gabriel tem MBA em Comércio Exterior pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) e mais de 10 anos de experiência em trading de commodities, com principal foco entre Brasil e China. Morou na China entre 2009 e 2013 e fala mandarim fluentemente.
Gabriel holds an MBA in Foreign Trade at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and has over 10 years of working experience in commodities trade, with the focus in China-Brazil´s bilateral relations and trade. He lived in China between 2009 and 2013 and speaks mandarin fluently.
(International Relations Asia Market)

Our Address:
Alameda Oscar Niemeyer, 119. 8o Floor 803 Vila da Serra Nova Lima MG Brazil Zip 34.000-000